Monday, December 19, 2011

The Depth of God's Gift

Advent Devotional by Jill Bauerle
Art by Marcia Bauerle

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only
begotten Son that whoever believeth in Him
shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”
—John 3:16—

It’s Christmas time and we are preparing for the birth of Jesus. Why would I choose a verse we so often associate with The Resurrection? It’s actually quite simple—how can we appreciate the birth of Jesus, His humble beginnings, His life, and the purpose of God’s plan, if we don’t acknowledge the depth of God’s gift?
From the time I was a young girl attending church camps, Bible school, and Sunday school, I learned and sang the words from John 3:16, and I believed them. I believe in Him, and I know that eternal life is mine. It’s that simple! What I truly did not understand was the first part of the verse, “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son.” What does ‘so loved’ mean? That part seems simple enough—at least I thought so when I was young—but experience has taught me that it is much more than I can humanly comprehend.
I remember vividly the moment my mind and heart wrapped around the depth of God’s gift. I was changing my newborn Anna’s diaper, and my own mother peeked over my shoulder and whispered, “Now you know how much I love you.” WOW, did those words impact me. (Yes, my eyes watered.) Maybe it’s because Anna was a near-Christmas baby, or maybe God decided it was time for me to ‘get it,’ but my thoughts jumped right to John 3:16. If I can love my baby this much and want to protect her from all hurt, how can I fathom the gift of Jesus? The love our Father has for each one of us is beyond human understanding. But, I do have faith, and I can humbly pray, “Thank you, God, for the Gift of Jesus.”

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your gift of baby Jesus, for the opportunity to celebrate His birth, and for Your love. We ask for Your guidance to find peace in the busyness of life. We pray for those who believe and for those who still seek You. With meaningful celebration, help us focus on the depth of Your gift. Amen

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