Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Carrying Our Sack of Rocks

Advent Devotional by Garneta Bauerle

“That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses,
and in the insults, hardships, persecutions,
and troubles that I suffer for Christ.
For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
—2 Corinthians 12:10—

I’ve heard many people tell of their experience of opening their Bible and having a certain verse, apropos of their situation, jump right out at them. I’ve been waiting for it to happen to me—let me tell you of my experience.
Recently, our youngest daughter called home. She was feeling a real sense of persecution as her boss was giving her numerous menial jobs around the office which definitely weren’t listed in her job description as an “interior designer.” Of course, this had been going on for some time. After giving her the usual “parent-like” statement that when she becomes the boss, she can give orders, etc.—we visited awhile about other things and ended our conversation by me telling her that we would include her, her boss and this particular problem in our prayers. After our telephone conversation, I took a new cookbook I had purchased and headed for an “easy chair.” I noticed the author had very tastefully included quips, Scripture, poetry, etc., at the bottom of the pages of recipes. Here’s what I read on the very first page I turned to—
“Remember where all “the priceless things” in your life came from, be sure to say thank you. Remember also to say “thank you for that sack of rocks,” for carrying it will make a stronger, better person of you!!!”
I got out my calligraphy pens and paper—copied the saying and sent it to our daughter. It now hangs over her drafting table. Not Biblical you say, but it certainly came at an opportune time and has made us both mindful of saying “Thanks to God” for our little persecutions or “sacks of rocks.”

Dear Common Father of us all, help us all to be mindful of the fact that we will be stronger, better persons when, with Your help, we carry our “sack of rocks.” Amen

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