Saturday, December 10, 2011

All Creatures Great and Small

Advent Devotional by Vicky Brown

“You made him ruler over the works of your hands;
You put everything under his feet.”
—Psalm 8:6—

A few years ago, on a Sunday morning, I sat in the bleachers listening to a pastor conduct a church service before a barrel race start. The pastor quoted a Bible verse (I can’t remember the verse, but it may have been the one above.) Then the pastor went on to explain that with the tremendous authority given human beings, comes a great responsibility. We have the legal authority to do whatever we want with our pets (in my case, a barrel horse), but we have the responsibility to feed and care for them in the best way possible. When we adjust an animal’s diet properly, when we seek the proper medical care for an animal, and when we give an animal the loving attention it needs, we are treating God’s creation respectfully.
I have never seen a nativity scene without animals. I hope I am doing my part in caring for God’s creation.

Dear God, help us to preserve and protect, as well as admire, all of Your creation, especially the animals so dependent on our help. Amen

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