Saturday, November 26, 2011

Scenes From My Kitchen Window

Advent Devotional by Arlene Large

“Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor
reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father
feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?”
—Matthew 6:26—

It was a hot July day. From my kitchen window I saw a little ground squirrel run up the steps headed for the corner where various pots of flowers and foliage would provide shelter. I had been needing to clean up the bird droppings on the picnic set, so I went out and unrolled enough water hose to reach across the porch. With the spray nozzle on the hose I went for the corner first, thinking, “I really do not care to have that little creature abiding in my flower pot!” I watched for movement in the direction I was spraying, but quick as a flash of lightning, the little squirrel dashed past my sandaled feet and across the porch. What had attracted that little creature to a cement porch?
Earlier that year, I laughed as, from my kitchen window, I watched as a small bunny darted from the flower pot corner, scampered along the brick wall and came to a screeching halt at the drop off into the garden. The bunny spun around, returned to the sheltered area, and then, after contemplating awhile, took another run. Again he came to an abrupt stop and dashed back to the sheltered area. How many times he tried to get brave enough to make the drop into the garden I do not know, but he was gone when I went outside to investigate.
Although these stories made me grin, they also made me think how we humans react to our faith and trust in God. Do we get into places that are strange to us and get rebuffed like these little animals did? Do we run against the waters of life to escape what God has in store for us? Are we afraid to drop over the edge and surrender to God’s love?

Father, we pray for your guidance in our lives. Give us strength to face the unknown, trusting that you are with us. Amen

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